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There are many benefits from using Name Genie when you change your name, including:


  • Avoid spending time on research about what you need to do to update your personal details (we've done it for you)

  • Obtain exclusive access to our Name Change guides and checklists

  • Enter your details once instead of entering the same information multiple times on different forms

  • Remove complexity and confusion from the process

  • Get time back in your life for you!


Additionally, Name Genie can save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars by providing you with the information and digital tools for a far more efficient process.


Here are a few example scenarios of the financial and time saving benefits:

  1. Someone earning $70,000 p.a. needing to update their details with 10 organisations could save 12 hours and $483

  2. Someone earning $100,000 p.a. needing to update their details with 15 organisations could save 17 hours and $975

  3. Someone earning $150,000 p.a. needing to update their details with 20 organisations could save 22 hours and $1,890


Answer the questions below to calculate the estimated benefits for your personal situation to help decide if Name Genie is right for you.


Not ready to decide right now? No problem. Enter your email address and we'll send this to you via email so you have it handy for when you need it.

Personalised Benefits Calculator



Your Estimated Time Saving (hours):

Your Estimated Financial Benefit($):

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How many organisations do you need to update your details with?

On average it is ~30 including banks, education, professional organisations, insurance, superannuation, subscription services, health care, utilities and loyalty organisations. 

What is your annual salary?

We don't store this information, it is simply used to calculate the financial benefits for you personally.

Calculate My Benefits

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