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How Does Name Genie Work?

We have created a platform to simply and streamline the process of updating your new with multiple organisations. Each organisation has it's own processes and requirements.

Our platform has streamlined and automated as much of the process as possible for you.

Step 1:

Gather Your Documents & Setup Your Profile

Before getting started on the platform, you will need to obtain certified copies of certain documents. Once you sign up, you'll have access to a handy guide to explain exactly which documents you need to get certified and information on who can certify your documents.


Once you have your documents, it's time to setup your profile.

  • Enter your existing and new personal details into the platform

  • Upload your certified documents

  • Verify your identify through our integration with Australia Post Digital ID

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Step 2:

Select Your Organisations

Next, select the organisations you need to contact about your name change from our list of 350+ organisations.


We have organisations in Communications, Financial Services, Health, Insurance, Loyalty, Mortgages, Professional Bodies, Sports Clubs, Superannuation & Utilities.


Simply tick the organisations relevant to you and click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.

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Step 3:

Submit Your Requests

On the MySubmissions page, you can view the specific process and requirements for each organisation you have selected.

The approach and functionality which we provide falls into the following categories:

  1. Provide Information & Links - For organisations which require you to visit them in person or login to their systems, we will provide you with links and information on what is required.

  2. Automated Email Submissions - For organisations which accept emails, we will send them an email with your details and supporting documentation on your behalf

  3. Automated PDF Forms - For organisations which require their existing PDF forms to be completed, we will populate these on your behalf. If we are able to submit the forms on your behalf along with supporting documentation, we will do so. In some cases additional information is required or the forms need to be submitted via post. In these situations, you can print the pre-populated PDF forms and take the final steps offline.

  4. Automated Letter Creation - Some organisations require a letter to be sent via post. We will generate this letter with your details so all you need to do is print and post it.

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Step 4:

Monitor and Manage Your Requests

You can then use your personalised Dashboard to keep track of your submissions.


The Name Genie platform will automatically track when requests were submitted and provide an easy interface to identify which requests still need to be submitted.


Some responses from organisation may be communicated to you offline (e.g. receiving a new membership card in the post). In this situation, you can use your Submissions & Dashboard pages to manually update the status of your requests.


Change my name. Change my name Australia. Change my name NSW. Change my name VIC. Change my name WA. Change my name SA. Change my name QLD. How much does it cost to change my name. How long does it take to change my name?

Changing last name after marriage. Changing last name after divorce. Change last name after marriage. Change last name after divorce. Going back to my maiden name after divorce.

Changing surname after marriage. Changing surname after divorce. Change surname after marriage. Change surname after divorce. Going back to my maiden name after divorce.

Get started now with a single payment of $130.


This will provide you with:


  • A private, secure workspace

  • Details on how to change your name with 350+ Australian and international organisations

  • Automatic completion of PDF forms

  • The ability to submit an unlimited number of requests and supporting documents directly from the platform

  • Supporting letters ready to print, pre-populated with your details for companies which require you to inform them via post

  • A dashboard to help you keep track of the requests submitted, status and actions to be taken

  • Included in this fee is the Australia Post Digital ID service for additional authentication and security

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